Chyten Tutoring and Test Prep

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AP courses are optional for high school students. However, choosing an AP course can help students set themselves apart in the eyes of admission officers, while students benefit from a more challenging curriculum. AP Courses offer students the opportunity to learn time management and the study skills needed for success in college before getting there. We offer AP weekly tutoring sessions to help you apply the right study skills towards these college level courses.

The College Board has reported that students that take AP courses and AP tests show higher success rates.

To learn more click here (PDF).


Chyten Tutors and Test Preparation AP EXAMS      

AP exams are given once a year towards the end of the school year, during the first two weeks of May. Most of the exams take two to three hours to complete. For subjects that correspond to half-year college courses, the exam is closer to two hours in length. Results will become available in July. Students might take an AP exam, even if they are not taking an AP class. If students are advanced or have done a lot of studying on their own, they may want to take one of these AP exams.

Students that score three or above may be eligible to take advanced courses in college, receive college credits or both. Those receiving college credits can potentially save on the costs of a college education, as students may finish the requirements sooner, thus giving them a head start on graduate school or future jobs.

Chyten provides AP test preparation to help attain college credit on the AP exams in May. An AP exam score of four or five could potentially earn a full year's credit. A score of three could earn up to one semester course. Since all colleges differ, please check with college admissions officer for details.

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